join my team

Safe beneficial nutrition, skin-care and make-up your thing? Or perhaps you want to be your own boss and build a thriving business?

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As a B Corporation I am proudly affiliated with Arbonne. The product range includes nutrition, skincare, bath, body and makeup that is safe and beneficial for us to use and, kind to the environment. Having used the products for many years, I know just how powerful their pure and botanical ranges are.

I myself have experienced profound shifts in my health since using their products - my skin is vibrant, my energy has increased, I sleep more soundly, my mind feels clearer, I’m more positive, my gut health has improved - the list goes on and on! I’ve also witnessed my clients experience huge shifts in their physical, emotional and psychological well-being.

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30 Days to Healthy Living arbonne kate carey
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Here’s what my client Pratik, who I supported through a 30 day cleanse using Arbonne’s nutrition products, had to say ...

I’ve recently completed a 30 day healthy living program with Kate. I’ve dropped 6.6kg’s, lost two inches off my waist and my energy levels are up at least 50 to 70%. I’ve been so impressed with how energetic I feel, especially given the inconsistent sleep I get with having a baby, and my gruelling work schedule. Removing wheat has been a revelation - I’m feeling less bloated and am sleeping better. I’m enjoying fresher food and have fallen back in love with greens. My asthma has cleared too!

Arbonne’s products are vegan, cruelty free certified by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), free from heavy metals and pesticides and sustainably produced. All deliveries are carbon neutral and the company will be completely plastic free by 2035.


Join my team

If you work in the wellness industry, or are someone who would like to work for themselves in a job that offers them freedom, the ability to generate income and supports others to reach their full health and happiness potential, then I’d love for you to join my team! It’s great to connect with passionate new Consultants who want to help others thrive!

Becoming an Arbonne Consultant is for you if you:

  • Want to be your own boss and build your own business

  • Want to take holidays when you want, set your own hours and create a schedule that works for you

  • Believe in the power of botanicals and want to share ethical products with the world

  • Love Arbonne products (if you haven’t yet tried them then let me know and I’ll send you some samples!)

No experience or knowledge is necessary! I welcome women and men from all walks of life into my team - all you need is a willingness to learn and a passion for helping others. Let’s connect!